Sunday, September 25, 2011


Feeling much stronger this week. Did an insane INSANITY workout on Friday, it was tough but I was much stronger than last week. Ran 2 miles with B and Z plus mowed and did some house work yesterday. (Thanks for all the support, Roo Roo!) Plan to run with them again today. Oddly enough, the mouth lesions that had resolved returned yesterday along with more itching. Nothing dreadful, just very WEIRD! New patches of vitiligo continue to develop. Bilateral inguinal nodes remain enlarged to the point that they are visible, not just palpable. Feel as though I am anti-PD1 possessed! But I suppose that's a good thing!??

Finally logged onto the Melanoma Research Foundation web site officially. Brent has followed these boards for years, but I never really had the strength....but some folks kept asking about anti-PD1 studies, so I thought my story might help. Had to use the name "Bubbles" since both 'Celeste' and 'Les' were taken. Poor Bent. Bet he never thought that pet name would be used in such a forum! Oh well, maybe my ebullient personality (his description, not mine!) is what has gotten me this far! Hoping you have an effervescent fall day! C

1 comment:

  1. I checked it out! I think that's a good thing to do to get information out there...
